HIV and Cadbury

Elizabeth Skubinski
3 min readMar 18, 2021
The man whom bombed a bus was arrested. this photo is used to portray the arrest of the individual who infected the chocolates

In America fake news is extraordinarily popular, well actually everywhere in the world fake news is popular. Whether its famous people saying their opinion or facts being posted on the internet with a picture of a famous person next to it. The best way to grab attention from your viewers is by using a popular figure. Not a-lot of people know about the story behind the man who HIV infected products through a chocolate company. HIV is extremely life threatening so the reason behind this fake news post must be for the money.

Back in 2018, a mishap occurred when a rumor was spread through circulating online posts. An “employee” of Cadbury Candy Factory was arrested for contaminating products with his HIV- positive blood. The picture shown above would be “him,” the man who destroyed the chocolate. People should not be eating the company’s products because there were fears and risks of contracting the disease.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, HIV does not survive outside of a humans bodily fluids. “You can’t get HIV from consuming food handled by someone with HIV. Even if the food contained small amounts of HIV-infected blood or semen, exposure to the air, heat from cooking, and stomach acid would destroy the virus,” the CDC says. Regardless of this fact, for a human to be put in harms-way is wrongful. Nobody should worry about what they are eating unless its calories or taste. So how did they find out who the man in the picture was? I have your answer, Politifact did a reverse image search on the photo shown above. Experts found that he was a bombing suspect who bombed a bus full of unarmed civilians, he killed 74 people and injured over 100 more! Biggest Hoax to ever be recorded. They only used his picture of being arrested to portray the fake news story. It’s genuinely nauseating to witness this story being published. The British company Cadbury was never actually intentionally hurting anyone. They have yet to have a bad product ever sent out, especially one that’s HIV- positive infected.

The company did send out a message to let everyone know that they wouldn’t allow this to happen. Facebook flagged this message and made it false news if anyone ever tried to share it. To an extent, there is only so much that social media can do to try and stop false information from being spread. With it being the year 2021 it is almost like everyone wants to share fake information. To create fallacies that a normal person wouldn’t do is beyond me. Some are doing it for money, it attracts viewers to their websites and that is what brings in financial income for them.

This article was created to make you believe someone would do this most inhuman act to harm others. This kind of fake news should always be talked about but then eliminated. If something doesn’t seem legit on the internet use real fact checking sources to make sure the information you receive is correct. Also, if you have to make up stories to profit from them you should invest your time into a different job. It is not worth your time to have make believe stories created to scare people; its wrongful to persuade others of misinformation.


